Saturday, January 14, 2012

Amazing News!!!!!!!

Okay I am deliriously excited about the news I'm about to share!  I feel blessed beyond measure and I am so grateful to God for the opportunities he has given me... alright drumroll please...  dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (that was my failed attempt at a drumroll... but humor me)
 My artwork is now available at The Art Barn! I am so humbled that Dawna enjoys my work! Her art is so amazing and I find so much inspiration just hanging with her at the Barn and am honored to call her friend. I'm posting pictures of a few of my pieces available in the gift shop! But you seriously need to check out The Art Barn for yourself! There are so many amazing artists represented! It is a beautiful place to draw inspiration, find the one-of-a-kind piece that you've been looking for, and to foster and develop your creativity!

"Maggie's Fantastical Ride"

"Monocle Joe"

"Time Enough At Last"



Bubbles In My Think Tank said...

Omg I'm so proud of you! Why have I not seen those pieces before? I can't wait to see more! Love you friend!

Michelle Sweatt said...

Hahahahaha they came together so quickly! I started Wednesday at the Barn and finished them yesterday!!! I can't wait to create more!!!

Joe said...

What can I say, WOW, love the essence. And the little guy is even "plugged in" ... with hair! 8^) I am touched Michelle, more so that you are able to start showing some of your works! It works for me deary! I am proud to be hanging your time piece up as soon as I'm over there! Those three pieces are terrific!