Saturday, January 14, 2012

Amazing News!!!!!!!

Okay I am deliriously excited about the news I'm about to share!  I feel blessed beyond measure and I am so grateful to God for the opportunities he has given me... alright drumroll please...  dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (that was my failed attempt at a drumroll... but humor me)
 My artwork is now available at The Art Barn! I am so humbled that Dawna enjoys my work! Her art is so amazing and I find so much inspiration just hanging with her at the Barn and am honored to call her friend. I'm posting pictures of a few of my pieces available in the gift shop! But you seriously need to check out The Art Barn for yourself! There are so many amazing artists represented! It is a beautiful place to draw inspiration, find the one-of-a-kind piece that you've been looking for, and to foster and develop your creativity!

"Maggie's Fantastical Ride"

"Monocle Joe"

"Time Enough At Last"


Friday, January 6, 2012

Pics of Christmas orders!

Here are a few Christmas orders that wrapped up my 2011!

Manzanita branches for jewelry tree below
 I lightly torched the manzanita branches then hit them with a light spray of copper paint then many coats of spray lacquer... secured the branches in the urn with plaster, leaving room for river rocks to top off the urn (not pictured)


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New year, new...

I love the beginning of a new year because it's like a brand new dry erase board just waiting for me to make my mark on it!!! Plus the beginning of the year is a beautiful reminder that spring/summer are just around the corner and I can slowly start to emerge from my winter hibernation :-) So as I was checking in on all the blogs I follow I found quite a few where, instead of  designating resolutions, they embrace a word as their theme for the year. I love love love this concept but I'm having a seriously hard time narrowing it down to one word... So I decided to choose a series of "new" words that speak to the vision I have for 2012... new energy... new moxie... new courage... new determination... new spunk... new fearlessness...  new artistry...
My desire is that my art, my disposition, my family, my productivity, my relationships will all be reflections of these words! Can't wait to see what God has in store for my family and friends in 2012!!!! Below are a couple of pics I took this past year that just continue to inspire me... a beautiful sky is always a reminder that God envelopes me with beauty and Love... and He does that for you too...
